Security officials brought the baby boy, who was enclosed in blood and wrapped in tissue paper, to an airport clinic, where he was examined and fed. "After he was cleaned, he let off a soft cry," airport nurse Kate Calvo said. "He was healthy; his vital signs were okay according to our doctors."
A security executive noticed something moving in a rubbish bag that was reportedly unloaded from a Gulf Air plane that arrived from Bahrain and found the baby inside, an airport statement said. The baby was afterward handed to social workers at Ninoy Aquino International Airport.
Social welfare secretary Dinky Soliman said she was angered by what happened and has ordered police to search for the infant's mother, who could be illegally charged. "I was simply annoyed, no infant should be treated that way," Ms Soliman said.
She said the baby will be handed to the mother's family or put up for adoption.